Why Go Off The Page ?
At Dariation, when it comes to promotions we always plan…to go off the page. Ideas take shape and become reality. From products or services, political campaigns and social experiments, ideas and plans become reality. We prepare, experiment, implement then observe – next comes promotions success. If we put this much time, effort, thought AND creativity into our own campaign just imagine what we can do for you!
Some think outside the box, outside the lines, or go off the beaten path. Or even some may push the envelope whatever that may mean. Others may dare to break the mold. But at Dariation we always plan…to go off the page.

Why go off the page? Dariation is writers and designers, artists and inventors, architects and engineers – creators: conceptualizing ideas into reality. From products or services, political campaigns and social experiments, ideas are born and then thrive.
We follow and enact four key principles:
Prepararation (Prepare)
Experimentations (Experiment) Work with the ideas we prepared.
Implementation (Implement) – Implement our plan.
Observation (Observe) – Was the plan a success? Why or why not, did we miss anything or is there room for improvement? or is it time to celebrate for a job well done.

The Daricator (Dariation logo) blueprint plans.

The Dariation logo, the arrowed indicator known as the Daricator, indicates the correct way to go as it soars off the page. When the Daricator takes flight it is quite Arrow-Nautical.
Going off the page is just the beginning, Depending on where your ideas need to go, Dariation will help determine the best way to get there.
And before you ask – yes, the Daricator not actually flies but it soars!

The Daricator taking flight, following the arrow to “go off the page”.

Dariation chalkboard formulas for flight, distance, time and velocity.

Many different elements and items were used during the planning of the campaign.
Blueprint of the Daricator – details how the Daricator was built and it’s energy sources.
Chalkboard – the equations for time, space, distance and velocity for the Daricator to fly
Clocks – passing of time
Hourglass – passing of time
Telescope – distance viewing
Globe – geography and travel
Armillary – the sea, sky, and universe
Current map of the world – geography and travel
Old world map – the past
Celestial map – the future
Sundial – travel
Nautical compass – travel
Paper airplane – flight and distance
Applicable books in engineering, architecture, and flight
Engineering and architecture tools such as:
Contour gauge
Tape measure
Drawing compasses
Eraser and pencils.

The architecture and engineering tools uses to build the Daricator.

When the Daricator is in flight it casts a large shadow.